Homecoming & More
Homecoming 2023 & More
Homecoming is always a great time to reconnect with other alumni, see current and old staff, and check out what Maranatha has been doing recently. This year MCA is offering three over about a month to celebrate Homecoming 2023. More information about each event will be added as we get closer to the date, so be sure to check back in later.
Alumni Basketball Game | Friday, December 15
- Mustangs' Hoops has a storied history. If you played a part on the hardcourt, you are invited back to play in our Alumni Basketball Game. The Boys' Varsity team will be there to ref, coach, and keep score. Additionally, there will be opportunities to compete against members of the team in various contests throughout the night between quarters. Let us know you plan on lacing up the Jordans one more time by clicking the button below and filling out the form.
Coffee Gathering | Friday, January 12 | 8:00 a.m.
- Who doesn't like a free cup of coffee and pastry? If you haven't been back to campus in a while, you will learn we have an outstanding Coffee Shop located in the lobby. Stop by on the morning of January 12 and meet up with other Mustangs from a variety of classes. If you can stay a while, great. If you only can pop in for a few minutes, that's perfect. We cannot wait to see you. Let us know you are in for a free cup of Joe and some tasty treats by filling out the form below.
Sign Me Up for Free Coffee with Alumni
HOMECOMING 2023 | Friday, February 2
- Depending on when you graduated, you probably recall the Friday night Basketball extravaganza during Homecoming. Well, it is still alive and well here at Maranatha. You're invited to come back on campus, hang out in the VIP Alumni Area - complete with free food and beverages, and attend any of the games you want. There will be fun memorabilia displayed, plenty of alumni and former staff to connect with, and even opportunities to check out what's new at MCA. Plus, there will be prizes for those in attendance. Go Mustangs. Please fill out the form below to let us know if you can make it. We can't wait for this year's Mustang Meetup.