Clubs & Organizations

Getting Involved at Maranatha

An educational experience focused solely on academics does not fulfill the requirements of our mission to develop a student’s “whole” person–spirit, soul, and body. Therefore, Maranatha Christian Academy offers a variety of clubs and activities for both lower and upper school students to reach those ends. While a few of our clubs and organizations have certain qualifications to join, others just require interest, inquiry, and/or hard work.

Clubs and Activities Handbook

X-tended Day and Clubs for Kindergarten through Grade 4

The X-tended Day Program at Maranatha is committed to building relationships, enhancing creativity, achieving homework goals, and having fun together. We continue to provide care which reinforces that Christ’s love and attitude is reflected everywhere our students go. The program runs both after school and during release and half-days to provide care for students who need it as well as providing students with enrichment clubs and afterschool activities.

Maranatha Christian Academy offers excellent after-school learning opportunities too! There are great activities for your student to partake in and enjoy, from Spanish club to Sports' camps we provide a variety of fun and engaging afterschool activities to keep your student growing beyond school hours.

Learn More About X-Tended Day

Adventures ClubAdventures Club at Maranatha

Adventures Club is for the outdoor enthusiast (Grades 7-12) who desire to try new and challenging outdoor activities. Participation in this club does not require consistent membership; rather, students are invited to participate when they can work it into their schedule, though many students participate in every trip offered. Activities include backpacking, hiking, rock climbing and winter camping.

Prayer Groups and Praise & Worship

There are a variety of opportunities for Maranatha students to meet as a community for prayer and/or praise and worship. Prayer groups are open to any student within the age range specified by the group and usually meet every other week during the lunch/study hall period. There is also the opportunity for students in Grades 7-12 to join together for praise and worship every other Friday during lunch and study hall. Attendance at this praise and worship event every other week consistently attracts a large porition of the upper school!

Black History Student Committee

The Black History Student Committee is a student-led organization under staff supervision whose main focus is help educate the MCA community more about black history and black culture. One of the main platforms is the planning and production of events during Black History Month in February. This organization is open to students from every race and background in Grades 7-12.

Download the Club Handbook

To view a brief description of each club, please refer to the Clubs Handbook.

2024-25 Club handbook coming soon...

Summer at Maranatha…

During the summertime at Maranatha, things heat up with even more clubs, camps, and clinics offered for all grades. From athletic camps to enrichment classes, there is always something to choose from. Plus, our award-winning summer reading program encourages students to explore the world of books throughout the summer months.

Our Summer Offerrings

Adventures club at Maranatha Christian Academy